How programmers flex on each other…

By: JC Coles
Posted: February 13, 2024

How to flex on other programmers: A Practical Guide

The Art of Flexing in the Programming World

In the world of programming, flexing on other developers has become a common practice that boosts egos and establishes superiority. In this blog post, we will explore various ways programmers showcase their skills and knowledge to stand out among their peers.

One effective way to flex is through complexity. By taking a simple JavaScript function and adding TypeScript, while emphasizing the importance of type safety, you can baffle others with abstract concepts like abstract factory, singleton, adapter, and decorator patterns. This will make them believe you possess an unparalleled understanding of clean code principles.

Another way to flex is by flaunting your income. The amount of money you earn is often associated with the value you bring to the programming world. From junior developers comparing salaries with former colleagues to high-earning professionals in prestigious companies, the hierarchy of income flexing is ever-present.

Owning YouTube Premium is another subtle way to demonstrate your superiority. By avoiding ads and seamlessly downloading JavaScript tutorials for offline viewing, you optimize your time and showcase your dedication to continuous learning. Plus, you can listen to music without paying for additional streaming services, saving you even more money.

For the true elite programmers, using Vim as your text editor is a non-negotiable. Vim elevates you to a higher level of consciousness, allowing you to mock those who use tools like VS Code or IntelliJ. Operating systems also play a role in the flexing game. While Macintoshes may signal wealth and Linux distros like Ubuntu impress, using Arch Linux is the ultimate flex, as it requires countless hours of configuration.

GitHub commit history and open source contributions are crucial for establishing credibility. Your GitHub profile should be adorned with awards and badges, showcasing your commitment to the community. Additionally, submitting pull requests that optimize code and adhere to best practices can result in abandoned projects, a clear indication of your flexing prowess.

Outside the coding realm, leveraging past experiences at top tech companies can give you an edge. Starting sentences with "As an ex-Facebook engineer" or any other prestigious employer adds weight to your recommendations. Working at a "FANG" company is seen as a privilege, and those who secured such positions are in the programming elite.

Web developers can also flex through domain ownership. Owning valuable domains is like investing in the future, leaving a legacy for future generations. Lastly, there is the ultimate flex—the programmer who disconnects from the superficialities of code quality, GitHub stars, and income. By embracing a simpler life, tending to crops and appreciating the beauty of nature, this programmer becomes invincible to all other flexes.

In conclusion, flexing has become an art form in the programming world. Whether through complexity, income, tools, or experiences, programmers constantly find ways to establish their superiority. However, it's essential to remember that true greatness lies not in flexing, but in the pursuit of knowledge and the ability to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog post are for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice.